New US “Less-Lethal” Field Manual Available for Download

The Federation of American Scientists have managed to obtain and upload a copy of the new US Military “Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Tactical Employment of Nonlethal Weapons” field manual, as part of their government secrecy project.

Hill District Man Slain By Narco-Terrorists


Aucy Andrews, 59, of the Hill District is the seventh person to be reported shot by uniformed-terrorists Pittsburgh Police, this year. The Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s Office determined that one, of the at least five shots, reported by witnesses to the murder, was fatal.

Mr. Andrews’ murderer is enjoying a paid vacation an administrative leave, as well as the protection of his anonymity, as if his license to kill was not enough. Uniform fetishist and DA, Stevie Zappala Jr., will no doubt rule that the ‘man in uniform’ was justified in shooting a hearing-impaired, man with a knife, who was not following orders , while being attacked by a police dog, three times, until he fell to his knees, and shot twice more when he was on the ground. Apparently, the use of force continuum dictates that Tasers are only to be used on unarmed suspects.

Mr. Andrews allegedly used the knife while involved in an uncharacterized altercation with a much younger man, when the narco-terrorist and his “partner” arrived to defend the State’s monopoly on violence and to preserve the storied tradition of attacking Black men with German Shepard dogs. In case you were wondering, all of the corporate media accounts state that the dog was uninjured.

Odds are, the overseer officer was given a dog as a partner, because he couldn’t work well with a human one, according to a relative of mine who was a former K-9 handler, who was himself, assigned the dog as way of “keeping him out of trouble”, because the dogs require so much attention. The department where he worked had another dog, which was so out of control that it attacked other overseers officers, and they all lived in fear of it. These terror organizations are reluctant to get rid of the dogs because of the expense and training time, the money they make by violating privacy to find drugs, not to mention the “anything goes”, “us and them” spirit of law enforcement culture. The training of these animals would make Michael Vick wince. The dogs are deputized (making their lives more valuable than anyone who is not a cop) and usually assigned the rank of Sergeant. The dogs get a paycheck, and even a pension when they retire. That’s probably more than Mr. Andrews, who lived in a boarding house could ever imagine.

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Catching Up (Part 3.) September 17-23

  • September 17: Everyone at a John Kerry speech should be Tasered, including hecklers, cops, and Kerrys alike. In a representative government individual politicians go away if ignored.

Jaywalking: A Capital Offense in PA?

I guess the SWAT team was busy with other “social work”?

The Pittsburgh Police have killed again. This time, it was a 27 year-old man who was walking on the Parkway West. Boss media is implying that it was OK, since the

“car contained suspected drug paraphernalia”

Who am I kidding? If Stevie Junior would grant me the same blanket immunity from prosecution, that is enjoyed by the paid, uniformed terrorists police in Allegheny County, I might behave the same way?

In another unrelated incident last night, a teen chose to defend themselves from “unlawful combatants”, to use the language of the State, since they weren’t in uniform. Send all the undercover and unmarked piggies to Gitmo.

Domestic Terror Groups Running Low on Ammunition

One of the good things about the 21st Century crusades, is that occasionally, glassy-eyed, flag-sucking morons engage in combat with their lunatic Muslim counterparts, and both sides take casualties. I do fell genuine sympathy for ordinary Iraqis and Afghanis caught in the crossfire, and to a lesser degree, the Crusader mercenaries noble volunteers who are only seeking to elevate their own economic conditions and get a formal education, but it is ridiculous, after a certain point in time, to pretend that they did not know what they were getting into when they enlisted. At the risk of being branded “insensitive” the fewer “care so much about the flag or holy book that I’ll kill you” or whatever types that I have to share a planet with, the better. An imperial army, composed of slaves and/or mercenaries, is a formula that dates back to the days of Roman conquest, and like Rome and other imperial powers, the US empire is in decline, due in large part to it’s attempt to control large territories far from the Belly of its Beast.

I wince when liberals bleat about “supporting the troops”. What in the hell does that mean? I used to “support the troops” when I was paying federal taxes, but other than that, and magnetic ribbons (which support the troops in Red China), they’ve lost me. Are they guarding rear supply lines? Mending torn uniforms? Reloading ammunition? Knitting desert camouflaged I-pod covers?

Same with the “bring the troops home now”; I say leave them there. We have enough deranged cops running around as it is. The last thing us lower class folks in the US need is a bunch of shell-shocked 20 something cops, who can’t tell the difference between Sadr City and Kansas City. At least after Vietnam, they used their civil service points to work for the post office, and most of their combat took place in jungles, not urban environs. I’d take the random individual “going postal” over thousands of PTSD cases resuming their domestic role as the occupying army of Capital, as members of an increasingly militarized police force.

We have more than enough uniformed, licensed, specialists in suppression of the poor, that we should be in no hurry to subject ourselves to new ones. On a positive note, the Crusades are limiting the capacity for State terrorists to train and wage violence against US civilians.

Infighting Erupts Amongst Regional Terror Groups

Two (temporarily demoted) City detectives reacted violently, to counter the assertion that they were not “above the law” when confronted by country cops at a Toby Keith concert, of all places. They even tried to grab the uniformed terrorist’s weapon. If you or I tried that, it’s no mystery how that would have ended.

Amazingly, the City is pretending to discipline them, even stripping them of their titles, but no reduction in wages. Compare the reaction with that to the handful of murders of black civilians, committed annually.

Talkin’ Tasers

The world’s policeman has just placed an order for the 21st century bull whip they call a taser.

It is the first order of a five-year contract, with the possibility of future orders worth up to a maximum value of about $22.8 million, the company said.

And while it’s not the one with the 1,500 yards effective range and pinpoint accuracy from Syphon Filter, Taser International, is rolling out the Taser XREP, a wireless, shotgun shell that will zap you.


Introducing the TASER XREP – the eXtended Range Electronic Projectile. XREP is a self-contained, wireless projectile that fires from a standard 12-gauge shotgun. It delivers the same Neuro-Muscular Incapacitation (NMI) bio-effect as our handheld TASER X26, but can be delivered to a distance of up to 100 feet, combining blunt impact with field proven TASER NMI.The core technology that made the XREP possible is the XREP engine. A stunning engineering achievement, the XREP Engine provides the same bio-effect as our field proven X26, but from an electronics package that weighs only 2.4 grams and consumes less than one tenth of a cubic inch. In order to achieve a wireless projectile, the battery is fully integrated into the chassis and autonomously provides the power to drive the XREP engine for its full 20-second cycle.

And if you try to pull it out, it zaps your hand:

If the subject tries to grab or disconnect the XREP projectile, the reflex engagement electrodes complete a circuit allowing TASER NMI to discharge from the Nose Electrodes, through the subject’s body, out to the hand that grabbed the XREP. This creates a significant spread that allows the XREP pulses to affect a large body mass, causing overpowering Neuro Muscular Incapacitation.

TaserInternational are virtual humanitarians or just less honest, than the nerds with really violent fantasy lives at ShockRounds, Inc. Their literature states that their product has not only less-than lethal capabilities, but can be used as ammunition in standard firearms, making every shot a kill shot, through the use of lethal electric current. They’re really proud of the fact that their product is intended to kill, as it’s what sets them apart, I suppose. A diagram from their web site shows that they have greatly expanded the effective kill area on a human.


And robots keep getting shittier jobs. Soon they will be expected to shoot people with stun guns.

Maybe robots can be programmed exhibit better judgment than these properly credentialed terrorists heroes were, another reminder that the kinds of shit that was so shocking about of Abu Ghraib, was born, raised and doing well, in the US?